
On-Call Construction Inspection Support Services
City of Seattle
Seattle, Washington
On-Call Construction Inspection Support Services
RapidRide H Line Construction Management
King County Metro Transit
Burien to Seattle, Washington
Construction Management, Inspection, And Documentation Services
On-Call Engineering Services
Port of Olympia
Thurston County, Washington
Roof Inspection, Developed Construction Documents, Engineers Cost Estimate for Roof Replacement, Bid Support, Construction Management
I-405 Widening and Express Toll Lanes
Washington State Department of Transportation
Renton to Bellevue, Washington
Structural Engineering, Landscape Design
US197: The Dalles (Columbia River) Bridge Deck Replacement
Oregon Department of Transportation
The Dalles, Oregon
Structural Engineering Services
Des Moines Marina Bulkhead Repair
City of Des Moines
Des Moines, Washington
Prime Consultant, Civil, Structural, Coastal Engineering, Architectural Services, Environmental Permitting
Sound Transit Operations and Maintenance Facility East
Sound Transit
Bellevue, Washington
Structural Subject Matter Expert (SME) Services
Photo Courtesy of Sound Transit
Reinig Road Revetment Repair
King County
Unincorporated King County, Washington
Construction Management and Inspection Services
Germany Creek Road Bank Stabilization
Cowlitz County
Cowlitz County, Washington
Field Inspection Services
South Lander Street Grade Separation
City of Seattle
Seattle, Washington
Office Engineer and Document Control Specialist
I-5 Chamber Way Overpass Emergency Repair and Replacement
Washington State Department of Transportation
Chehalis, Washington
Design-Build Design Manager
I-5 / La Center Road Interchange Construction Inspection and Documentation
Cowlitz Tribe
La Center, Washington
Construction Field Inspection and Document Control Services
Photo Courtesy Google Earth
Redondo Boardwalk Emergency Repair
City of Des Moines
Des Moines, Washington
Project Management, Structural Engineering Design, Environmental Permitting, Construction Management
Bucklin Hill Bridge Replacement
Kitsap County
Silverdale, Washington
Value Engineering and Construction Management
APWA Project of the Year Award
Elliott Bay Seawall Replacement
City of Seattle Department of Transportation
Seattle, Washington
Final Design of Civil and Structural Design
Saltwater State Park Bridge Seismic Retrofit
City of Des Moines
Des Moines, Washington
Project Management, Civil/Structural Engineering, Environmental Permitting, Construction Management
ACEC Award Winner
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Program Cost Estimating Tool
Seattle Public Utilities
Seattle, Washington
Civil Engineer, Cost Estimator, and Constructability Reviewer
Photo credit Seattle Public Utilities Green Water Infrastructure, seattle.gov
Raft Island Bridge Replacement
Raft Island Improvement Association
Gig Harbor, Washington
Design, Permitting, and Construction Management, Hydrology/Hydraulic Analysis, Design Alternatives, Plans, Specifications, Cost Estimates, Fish Passage Improvements, Riparian Grading and Planting