
NE Lake Joy Road at NE 118th Place Culvert Replacement
King County
Duvall, Washington
Project Management, Alternatives Analysis, Conceptual Design, Civil/Structural Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Hydraulics/Hydrology Modeling/Analysis, Drainage Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Roadway Design, Environmental Permitting/Documentation, Site Restoration, Mitigation Design, Final PS&E, Construction Support
SR 530 / Trafton Creek and Schoolyard Creek Fish Passage
Washington State Department of Transportation
Snohomish County, Washington
Wetland delineation, Landscape Architectural Design, Permit Plans Preparation
Russell Road/Mill Creek Culvert Replacement
City of Forks
Forks, Washington
Hydrology/Hydraulic Analysis, Design Alternatives, Plans, Specifications, Cost Estimates, Fish Passage Improvements, Riparian Grading, Planting
Leach Creek Culvert Replacement
City of University Place
University Place, Washington
Design and Permitting