Railroad Engineering Services
Clark County
Clark County, Washington
Exeltech provided railroad engineering services to assist Clark County Public Works, Internal Services, to provide high-level scoping and estimating for repairs necessary to sustain freight service between MP 0.0 to 20.0 and passenger service between MP 20.0 to 33.1 of the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad. The project scope of services included the field review and assessment of the rail, grade, ties, and ballast and bridge structures. There are thirteen bridges along the rail, and seven of them were evaluated. Exeltech summarized its findings in a technical memorandum that provided a high-level estimate of recommended maintenance and repairs by milepost. Exeltech completed field review and submitted draft and final Technical Memoranda summarizing the conditions and estimated repair/replacement costs for Bridges 6, 12, 18 20, 23, 25 and 27 and track improvements between MP 0.0 to 33.1.